Wandsworth Philharmonic Orchestra Parent & Pupil Information

Here you can find information for the 2024-25 Academic Year

2024-25 Rehearsal Dates

All rehearsals run 10.45am-12.25pm at Burntwood School unless otherwise specified.

Autumn Term

21, 28 September
5, 12, 19 October
9, 16, 23*, 30* November
7 December

*extended rehearsal until 3.30pm

Autumn Half Term Course

31 October, 1 November 10am-3pm
2 November 10am-1pm

Spring Term

11, 18, 25 January
1, 8 February
1, 8, 15, 22*, 29* March

*extended rehearsal until 3.30pm

Spring Half Term Course

20, 21 February 10am-3pm
22 February 10am-1pm

Summer Term

26 April
3, 10, 17 May
7, 14, 21, 28* June
7*, 12 July

*extended rehearsals until 3.30pm

Additional Rehearsals

Sunday 8 July. 10:30am – 1:30pm (Wimbledon rehearsal)

2024-25 Concert Dates

Please note that concert dress for all performances is ALL BLACK – Smart black trousers or knee length skirt or dress/ black shirt/ black socks or tights/ polished black shoes (no trainers).

Wednesday 11th December – Fairfield Halls, Croydon, Arrival Time c. 3pm Concert 7pm

Monday 31st March – Royal Albert Hall, Arrival Time TBC Concert TBC

Tuesday 8th July – Wimbledon Tennis Championships TBC

Saturday 19 July – Pre Tour Concert. Arrival time c.11am. Concert c. 5pm

20-27 July – Tour to Italy –

It is extremely important that members are able to attend all rehearsals (including the half term courses) and are downloading their music, looking at difficult passages with their teachers and practising before rehearsals. As always, practise parts can be found online here: www.tinyurl.com/wandsworthmusic

All members of the orchestra are expected to:

  • Practice and learn the parts thoroughly before the rehearsals
  • Take parts to their instrumental lessons and go through them with their teacher
  • Have regular and punctual attendance at all regular rehearsals, half term courses and performances (ie. arriving at least 15 minutes before rehearsals and being seated with instrument, music stand, music, pencil and any other equipment needed at the rehearsal start time. If coming directly from another lesson, players should go straight to rehearsal as soon as possible)
  • Attendance at the concert day rehearsal is compulsory. Failure to attend may result in your child being unable to perform. If you require us to contact your child’s school to facilitate requests to leave early, please let us know at least two weeks before the concert day.
  • All WPO members are expected to support other performers by staying and watching concerts. We understand that there may be mitigating circumstances meaning a pupil may need to leave at the interval (for example an exam the next day). Please contact us before the concert day to discuss so that appropriate arrangements can be made

If running late or unwell on the day of a rehearsal or performance, please inform John (07966 426345) as soon as possible.