Wandsworth Music Academy – Key Info
The Wandsworth Music Academy is a centre of musical excellence is South London, providing high quality music lessons and progression pathways for children and young people aged 5-21.
The Music Academy runs on Saturdays 8am-2pm and Wednesdays 4.30-9.30pm at Burntwood School and on Tuesdays 4.30pm-8.30pm at West Hill Primary School.
The Academy Code
Quite simply, we aim to inspire our children with a lifelong love and enjoyment of music. We would like all our musicians to support this goal and contribute to a safe and caring learning environment by committing to a few simple principles:
- Enjoy your music making!
- Playing a musical instrument and singing are tremendously rewarding experiences and can lead to many wonderful opportunities, memories and friendships.
- Prepare for your lessons and rehearsals.
- The very best musicians make performing sound easy- we can all emulate them by being prepared and practising the music! Family support plays a huge part in musical progress and the great thing is you don’t have to be musical to help! Encouragement, little reminders to practice and supporting at concerts make a huge difference!
- Perform and participate in concerts and events.
- There are regular opportunities to perform at the Academy and the more advanced ensembles also get to play at events outside of the Academy. In recent years these have included prestigious venues such as the Royal Festival Hall, the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Finals and concert tours to Italy, Germany, Austria and Spain.
- Persevere and learn the art of patient practice!
- Remember, mistakes are part of learning. The learning curve for any skill is rarely straight and we all find challenges along the way. When it gets tough persevere, keep a positive focus and move on to the next challenge!
- Respect
- Respect your fellow musicians and support each other in your musical journeys.
- Please take good care of our wonderful home and resources by keeping it clean and tidy, putting litter in bins and helping take care of instruments, music stands and other equipment. Take care of music by making markings only in pencil (good musicians are never without a pencil so they can mark changes in their music!).
- Please keep phones away when in rehearsals and lessons.
Wandsworth Music aims to be an inclusive and safe environment for everyone. The following will not be tolerated:
- Bullying, discrimination or harassment
- Offensive or illegal items or substances
- Accessing and/ or sharing inappropriate content
Music Academy Ensembles
Regular attendance at rehearsals is vital in order to ensure that ensembles develop and perform together properly. They rely on teamwork and commitment from every single member. All Music Academy pupils are expected to:
- Give their full commitment and have regular and punctual attendance at all regular rehearsals, courses, workshops and performance.
- Arrive at least 15 minutes before the start time (unless coming from another WMA lesson)
- Be prepared for rehearsals by:
- Downloading the relevant music for their instrument(s).
- Learning parts thoroughly before the rehearsals.
- Taking music to their lessons to go through with their teacher.
- Bring a pencil and rubber to rehearsals
- Follow rehearsal etiquette by turning off mobile phones and paying full attention to the conductor
- Assist in the setup and pack down of rehearsals (including stacking own chair and stand, cleaning any rubbish away and ensuring all instruments are returned to storage as appropriate)
If an absence is unavoidable, notification should be given by email to the Ensembles & Events Administrator by emailing info@wandsworthmusic.co.uk at the earliest opportunity.
Attendance at rehearsals and concerts is carefully monitored. Poor attendance or failure to attend rehearsals without permission may necessitate musicians not being able to perform at concerts and result in your place in the ensemble being withdrawn or offered to another musician.
What to bring
- Instrument – clearly labelled with your name
- Music Stand – If possible please bring a fold up music stand for orchestra rehearsals
- Water Bottle & Snack – please do not bring fizzy drinks, glass bottles or anything containing nuts
- Instrument accessories – Please bring a pencil, rubber and instrument accessories e.g. spare strings, reeds, valve oil etc.
Please be mindful of our neighbours around Burntwood School. We would encourage you to travel to the Academy by public transport, foot or bike where possible. If travelling by car please ensure you park legally and cinsiderately. Please do not park on zig-zag lines outside the main entrance on Burntwood Lane, or block the entrance to driveways.
Arrival, Registration & Collection
All pupils must register on arrival as follows:
Saturday Academy
Senior Academy Pupils should self-register at the registration desk. It is assumed that all Senior Academy pupils have permission to travel to and from the Academy independently, unless we have been informed otherwise.
Junior Academy Pupils
Year 3&4 pupils should register in the refectory foyer
Year 5&6 pupils should register by the main reception
After drop off parents are requested to leave the site.
Junior Academy pupils can be collected at the end of the morning from the main quad. Finishing times vary depending on the ensemble that your child participates in. Please check the your timetable.
Please note that primary aged pupils can only leave alone if we have received written permission.
Sound Start Pupils (Y1&2)
Pupils should be taken straight to the classroom to be registered with their teacher. Please ensure prompt arrival so that lessons can start on time. Sound Start parents only, may wait onsite under the outdoor sheltered area prior to collecting their child (9am for Y1 and 10.05am for Y2 pupils)
Safeguarding & Parents on site
In order to safeguard pupils attending WMA on Saturdays, parents (with the exception of Sound Start pupils) are not permitted to enter any of the teaching buildings or accompany pupils around the the site.
We politely request that parents leave the site once their child is registered.
Under no circumstances are parents allowed to access any parts of the buildings, unless agreed by Wandsworth Music.
Wednesday Academy
All pupils should register on the 1st floor of the Performing Arts Building. It is assumed that all Senior Academy pupils have permission to travel to and from the Academy independently, unless we have been informed otherwise,
Please note that primary aged pupils can only leave alone if we have received written permission.
Tuesday Academy
All pupils should register at the main reception of West Hill School. It is assumed that all Senior Academy pupils have permission to travel to and from the Academy independently, unless we have been informed otherwise,
Please note that primary aged pupils can only leave alone if we have received written permission.
Wandsworth Music recognises and encourages talent and wishes to ensure that all musicians feel safe and supported in their activities.
WM will not tolerate any form of intimidation, bullying or discrimination. Discrimination or vilification on the ground of anyone’s race, colour, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, language or disability will not be tolerated. We expect excellent behaviour at all times during Wandsworth Music activity. Sanctions will be used sparingly but in extreme circumstances poor behaviour may lead to the suspension or dismissal of a student. Serious misconduct will result in permanent exclusion from all Wandsworth Music activities.
Whilst on site pupils and parents are under the direction of Wandsworth Music staff and must remain within the allocated areas at all times. Parents are not allowed to enter the main teaching buildings unless supervised by a member of the WM team.
If you have any concerns about pupil, parent or staff conduct then please contact Aurelie Sciamma in the first instance.
Places at the Music Academy are in high demand. In order to ensure that pupils progress and make the best use of their time we expect regular and punctual attendance every week. Please inform Wandsworth Music of any known absences in advance, using the contact details provided.
Please note that in cases of continued poor attendance or regular absence we reserve the right to terminate your child’s place at the Academy.
Learning a musical instrument requires dedication and a commitment to regular and focused practice. To make musical progress, nothing is as important as the quality and the quantity of practice time!
Practice notes will generally be uploaded to Speed Admin. You can view the Speed Admin guide here
We expect all pupils at the Music Academy to practise regularly. As a guide we recommend the minimum daily practice times:
Beginners: 10-15mins daily
Grade 1-3 20-25mins daily
Grade 4+ At least 30mins daily
All Music Academy pupils have the opportunity to participate in regular concerts. In addition to external events the Music Academy also hold large scale concerts at Christmas and at the end of the summer term. There are also frequent smaller recital style concerts throughout the year.
Smoking is not permitted during any Wandsworth Music activity,
Toilets for parental use are located by the main reception in building 1. All other toilets are for the use of children only. Please ensure that toilets are left as you would expect to find them
Parent Enquiries
Saturday & Wednesdays are very busy and we politely request that general enquiries and administrative matters are raised during the week by email or phone.
WMA Tutors
The same tutors will be provided as consistently as possible, however the Academy reserves the right to vary activities when absences occur. Our standard action is to replace the absent tutor with a suitable deputy, but we cannot guarantee this where absences are at short notice due to illness.
WMA Contact Numbers
On Academy days please use text or WhatsApp where possible (e.g. to notify us of an absence).
WMA Sat General Contact & Emergency | Aurelie | 07767 670611 |
WMA Sat Ensembles | John | 07966 426345 |
WMA Wed General Contact & Emergency | Emily | 07929 018729 |
During the week please please contact us via email – info@wandsworthmusic.co.uk or phone 0208 333 3899.