Terms and conditions
These terms and conditions form the basis of the contract between Wandsworth Music (WM) and customers (referred to as ‘you’). Wandsworth Music reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time and without notice.
- As soon as applications are received they are placed on a waiting list. Subject to availability, confirmation of tuition will be communicated via email.
- We may not be able to accommodate all applications straight away, in which case students will remain on the waiting list. Waiting lists are regularly reviewed, and new places offered as soon as they become available.
- WM plan to deliver 30 lessons over the year, usually 10 per term, either in person or via online delivery (including performances).
- The number of lessons per term may vary due to term and holiday dates.
- Paired/ group lessons can only be offered when there is a suitable pairing or group available. Where a suitable pairing or group does not exist, WM will try to offer an alternative lesson type .
- Generally, there are 30 ensemble sessions per year. The total number of sessions includes concerts, workshops and masterclasses.
- Senior Music Academy ensembles (e.g. Philharmonic & Concert Orchestra) also have intensive rehearsal courses at half term.
- Ensemble membership will begin as soon as possible following receipt of a completed application.
- An audition may be necessary for more advanced ensembles.
- Fees are payable 3 times a year before the start of a new term, and in advance of tuition.
- The minimum commitment and charge for both lessons and ensemble membership is until the end of term in which attendance begins.
- Pupils are automatically re-enrolled and invoiced for the same activities every term unless appropriate notice has been given (see withdrawal below)
- Where payment has not been made in advance, we reserve the right to discontinue service until full payment has been received. Continued non-payment of fees will result in your place being withdrawn.
- Fees will not be refundable for any absence or short term illness. In cases of long term health problems, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss. A medical certificate may be required.
- Fees are reviewed annually.
Financial Assistance
- If you are experiencing any financial difficulty then please contact WM to discuss alternative payment arrangements. All information will be dealt in the strictest confidence.
- Remissions may be available for students attending the Music Academy who receive free school meals.
Missed lessons, credits and refunds
- WM do not offer trial lessons.
- WM do not offer credits or refunds for lessons missed by pupils, for any reason. This includes school trips, school cancellations and closures.
- When a school cancels a lesson, WM will endeavor to make up the lesson provided that a minimum of two weeks notice has been received.
- In the event of an emergency or closure of a school (full or partial) or the Music Academy due to an event outside WM’s control (e.g. force majeure, a pandemic, flooding, heavy snow or industrial action), no credit or reduction in fees will be due.
Tutor absence
- The same WM tutor will be provided as consistently as possible, however WM reserves the right to vary activities and teaching staff when absences occur.
- On the rare occasion that the regular WM tutor is absent from the Academy, WM will endeavor to replace them with a suitable deputy tutor, or if possible reschedule the lesson.
- Where it is not possible to arrange a deputy tutor, WM may offer a credit for the lesson or a refund. Credits and refunds will normally be considered at the end of the year when it is clear how many lessons have been completed.
- Lessons and memberships automatically continue term on term and year on year until appropriate notice of withdrawal is received.
- Written notice for withdrawal should be made via email to info@wandsworthmusic.co.uk by the following dates;
- 8 November to withdraw at the end of the Autumn term
- 21 February to withdraw at the end of Spring term
- 1 June to withdraw at the end of Summer Term
- WM reserve the right to charge a late notice fee of 50% of the termly fees if the required notice to withdraw from lessons is not given.
- Once lessons have started in any term, the full term’s payment is due in lieu of notice for that term.
- If a pupil withdraws part way through a term, the term’s charges remain payable in full.
Timetabling of lessons (in schools)
- Where tuition takes place in school, WM will coordinate with the school to arrange the day and time of lessons.
- In most cases lessons take place during the school day. Lesson details will be confirmed at the beginning of each term.
- Students are responsible for ensuring that they know when their lessons are each week. WM cannot refund or reschedule lessons that have not been attended without prior agreement.
- Music tutors are not responsible for escorting students to and from lessons.
Timetabling of Music Academy lessons (including Music Therapy)
- Music Academy lessons take place on set dates. Please refer to the term dates here.
- Give their full commitment and have regular and punctual attendance at all regular rehearsals, courses, workshops and performance.
- Arrive at least 15 minutes before the start time (unless coming from another WMA lesson)
- Download the relevant music for their instrument(s)
- Practice and learn the music thoroughly before the rehearsals
- Take music to their instrumental/vocal lessons and go through parts with their teacher
- Follow rehearsal etiquette by turning off mobile phones and paying full attention to the conductor
- Assist in the setup and pack down of rehearsals (including stacking own chair and stand, cleaning any rubbish away and ensuring all instruments are returned to storage as appropriate)
If an absence is unavoidable, notification should be given by email to the Ensembles & Events Administrator by emailing info@wandsworthmusic.co.uk at the earliest opportunity.
Attendance at rehearsals and concerts is carefully monitored. Failure to attend rehearsals without permission may necessitate musicians not being able to perform at concerts and result in your place in the ensemble being withdrawn or offered to another musician.
Medical & Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
- WM wants to support all students to fulfil their musical potential and enjoy their music-making.
- Parents/ Carers must inform WM of any additional needs either via the Speed Admin portal or in writing via email.
- Parents/ carers must also inform us of relevant changes to the student’s medical conditions or educational needs.
- WM has an excellent reputation for positive behaviour and a strong work ethic which we wish to preserve and develop.
- Pupils and visitors are expected to behave in a responsible and courteous manner at all times; to respect the environment, resources and personnel; to attend lessons regularly and to practise between lessons.
- Offensive or illegal items and substances must never be take to WM activities. No pupil should access offensive or illegal content from any electronic device whilst engaged in WM activities.
- Poor attendance, failure to practise or disruptive or anti-social behaviour by either the pupil or by the parent/carer, may result in tuition being withdrawn and any paid or outstanding fees would be retained or remain payable. No credits will be given in such circumstances.
Instrument Hire
- Instruments must be collected from, and returned to Wandsworth Music, Burntwood School, Burntwood Lane, SW17 0AQ. Collections and returns can only be made by pre-arranged appointment.
- The instrument will remain at all times the property of Wandsworth Music.
- The hirer will continue to be invoiced, and liable to pay hire charges until such time that instruments are returned to our registered office, or an agreement in writing has been made with Wandsworth Music. In the unlikely event of failure to return an instrument, appropriate action will be taken to recover the item of property.
- We aim to issue the instruments in good condition and expect them to be looked after and returned in the same condition with all accessories. It is the hirer’s responsibility for purchasing consumables such as reeds, strings and oil.
- Insurance: It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that appropriate insurance is in place to cover the full replacement value of the (Please check with your home insurance as this may already be covered). The value of the instrument can be found on our website using this link.
- Damage/loss: We accept that some minor wear and tear is inevitable. In cases of serious damage, theft or loss, a payment up to the full cost of the instrument towards repairs/ replacement will be required.
- Repairs: Please do not attempt to repair instruments yourself. Please contact Wandsworth Music first.
- Deposits: Where hirers do not learn with a WM tutor we require a deposit of 2 terms hire at the start of the rental period. This will be refunded in full on return of the instrument, provided it is undamaged and in working condition. We reserve the right to withhold the deposit to pay for any damages or repairs.
- Ending the hire: At the end of the hire period, instruments should be returned to the Wandsworth Music Office, Burntwood School, Burntwood Lane, SW17 0AQ. To return an instrument, please make an appointment by calling the office on 0208 333 3899
- Please note we are able to book same day appointments but an appointment must be booked in advance to avoid being turned away. Instruments must be returned by the end of a term or payment for the next term will be charged. Any instrument hired under this agreement must not be returned to a school. In the event that an instrument is returned to the borrower’s school, the contact and/or borrower named in this agreement will continue to be charged for hire until the instrument is returned to our office.
- WM does not accept liability for loss or damage to pupil’s instruments or personal possessions. You should arrange appropriate insurance for these items
- WM collect and keep personal information for the delivery of music tuition. This information will be stored in accordance with our Privacy Policy
Photograph/ video and publicity policy
- Wandsworth Music will occasionally use photographs and/ or film footage of events, concerts and lessons. These images may be used to celebrate our musical activities and student achievements; to promote the music service via our website and social media; for publicity or funding purposes related to music education; and for other publicity such as newsletters, promotional videos & press releases.
Extract from our privacy policy:
Occasionally WM and its authorised partners use pictures, videos or stories for publicity or funding purposes. Such material will be used for example, for publicity purposes; display in buildings; on banners in concerts; on our website and for social media purposes; for assessment and educational purposes and for fundraising purposes.
When using photos and videos for publicity or website/ social media purposes we will not accompany them with any other personal information about the child, to ensure they cannot be identified. We may continue to use these photographs and videos after your child has left the school.
Although we will carefully use images based on the basis of our ‘legitimate interests’ we understand there may be occasions where music service users provide good reason why we should withdraw certain images.
Images that might cause embarrassment or distress will not be used. We will only use images of pupils who are suitably dressed, to reduce the risk of such images being used inappropriately.
If you have any concerns about the use of photographs or video or wish to ask us to withdraw an image of your child with good cause, then please contact info@wandsworthmusic.co.uk